
MX Hero In Contextual Top Action Menu in Gmail (Multiselect / Inbox screen) : Multiselect and apply MX Hero actions.

Roger Anderson 10 years ago updated by Ilán Vivanco 10 years ago 2
This is the default Toolbars in my Gmail with No conversations selected.

When I select a conversation it would be ideal to see the MX Hero actions in the inbox view without having to go into each conversation.  See the Menu / Buttons  that appears when I select a message.

As you can see Boomerang is here, It would be ideal if MX hero also comes up with the option to schedule messages from here, otherwise we have to open each message and go in to schedule actions,

Not a biggie but certainly a bother, and could be improved upon.

Expected Result: 
Please put the MX Hero button where the Red box is. Multiselect and apply MX Hero actions.

I support this idea 100%. It would be great!
You can use this button for notificacions too, instead of sending a new email when an event happend.