Your comments

Hi Gustavo,

I have not had any issues lately, everything is working well. Apologies i should have closed this ticket.

Thanks for your help.

When replying the draft gets stuck in the conversation thread, and when sending new the draft gets stuck open as a pop out window.

By the way apart from these small glitches, your App is really helpful!!!!

Hi There,

I noticed there was improvement with the drafts scenario and the double sending issue. Now the email sends although it remains open on my screen and also remains in my drafts. I have confirmed that the email is sent although the drafts issue has comeback. 

Yes same domain, the gapps account has been active for a few years with only 4 users so we are still in the free gapps

Yes that email is correct, i also have 1 other user who has the same problem. Cheers

I then go into drafts and i try to send using mxhero toolbox and it sends but the draft remains, i have to keep deleting the drafts. Is this normal?