Under review

I want to send an email 3 months later, is this possible?

M. Roest 10 years ago updated by alex (CEO) 10 years ago 2
I would like to send an email a lot later, because I want to email someone at the beginning of the new academic year (september) when the new academic year is just starting. Currently I see that mxHero can only mail a month ahead. Is it possible to make this longer, or are there other services that do this?

I'm quite new to this.
This is really important and seems like an easy fix! Why the restriction?! In fact, I'm limited to one month, that's pretty stringent.
Under review
Hi Ben,

Thanks for getting in touch.

We are reviewing a number of improvements for execution including this one. In the next couple months we should have new and extended capabilities - not only this one.

Will keep you posted.
