
mxHero Gateway timed out

Brunello Menicucci 10 years ago updated by Todd Shoemack 10 years ago 4
Hello, since this morning I'm getting a "time out" when trying to send mail with mxHero. I'm on GApps free edition with my own domain.
I've tried to disable and re-enable the extension in Chrome but didn't succeed...
Any idea about that?


Thanks for getting in touch. We had some network issues this morning. But everything has since been resolved.

Best regards,
The Toolbox setup is not working tried from 3 diffent bowsers 
Nice to hear that! Actually I've seen that everything's ok in the afternoon. However, for your information, sending mail through my iPhone, this morning, did works regularly. Cheers
Hi, we have been working on mxHero processing time and redundancy of the service, and now it should be almost instant. Let us know if you see the problem again.