Under review

mxHero requires your authentication in order to continue

Michael Korth 10 years ago updated by Ryan Hart 8 years ago 27
when I try to send a mail in gmail via mxHero, the above message appears.

Anyone with the same problem or - even better - with a solution for that?

I am having the same issue.  I see a new window pop up then immediately close.  Then a message box shows up saying "mxHero requires your authentication in order to continue."   Haven't found a work around for it yet.
It looks like MX Hero is trying to load content over http instead of https.  When I look at the console I see the following message:

[blocked] The page at 'https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/xxxxxxxxx'... was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'http://email-gateway.mxhero.com/api/checklogin?gus... this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.

(links changed to hide identifying information)  I am using Chrome dev channel Version 38.0.2096.0 dev (64-bit) on Mac OSX.

I will check to see if there is a bug report form I can fill out for MX Hero.  
Under review

We're phasing in https. So far we've got the tracking links, self destruct message and other components over https. Give us a little more time and we'll soon have the whole thing done.


Hi Alex,

I noticed that you responded (2yrs ago) to the issue that Shawn Goertzen was having 2 years ago. MXhero is a fantastic plugin and it has worked for me sense I found and downloaded it 2 weeks ago,but now I'm having the exact same issue as Shawn was having. Which is when I try to send an email from personal gmail account I get the following box that pops up and states: "mxHero requires your authentication in order to continue." What is the fix for this issue?

Thanks in advance for your quick response!


Hi Shawn, unfortunately the log on the console is not related to the issue you describe, is only a warning related to the fact that the request is done to our server in that case over http instead of https. This is something that we are changing in the next week.
Related to the other issue, would you willing to do a screenshare to try to debug the problem? If you can please send an email to mmarmol@mxhero.com to coordinate.

Shawn, I believe we have fixed this issue. Can you confirm? Perhaps reloading your browser?

Best regards!
This is working great now!  Thanks for the quick fix!
Wow - works like a charme now, thanks a lot!
same issue for me... a box pops up and quickly disappears before loading...
still having this same issue. 
Still having the same issue.  Customer support service has been horrible.

that's too bad. i'm really fond of the ideas and functionality it purports to have. really it's time for google to implement these features and stop relying on 3rd parties. 

I totally agree.  I really wish it worked.  And as far as Google, I am sure their could be some copyright/patent infringe implementations for some 3rd parties that have registered.  Also, they may get a bad wrap that they steal all the hard work of these 3rd parties and it could discourage 3rd party development on the Google platform (chrome, chromium, android, etc).
understand the concerns. they could simply buy one of these startups. the price couldn't be very high. 

with all that said, they are starting to show some interesting growth in this direction with inbox. i'm sure there will be continued effort on that front. 
Agreed, but I have to be the only person that doesn't have an invite yet lol.  I was an original gmail beta tester (back when you could only share 1 invite, then it went to 3...).  oh well.  Still bleed G
I just got more. if you want i can send you one
That would be sweet.  B0b.Pagan0@...  replace the 0's with o's
@Aytan - do you have one invite more?!? :) I would take one :)
bob, sent. let me know if you got it. 

looks like it michael. 
Well Aytan, that would be great. schnickermicha@... is my address.
Thank you
said this was not a valid address
schnickermicha(at)gmail.com doesn't work?!?
:( well, i can't say what went wrong, the address is correct 
Thanks anyway
just tried again. went through this time. have fun man
Thank you so much!

Hi Alex,

I noticed that you responded (2yrs ago) to the issue that Shawn Goertzen was having 2 years ago. MXhero is a fantastic plugin and it has worked for me sense I found and downloaded it 2 weeks ago,but now I'm having the exact same issue as Shawn was having. Which is when I try to send an email from personal gmail account I get the following box that pops up and states: "mxHero requires your authentication in order to continue." What is the fix for this issue?

Thanks in advance for your quick response!
